Individual Entrepreneur EVGENY GURKIN
Identification Number – 324081131
Legal Address – Georgia, Akhaltsikhe region, Abi, Down the lake 1
Phone – +995597004587
Email –

In order to book on line via the website the General Terms and Conditions of Business as set out below must be accepted.

In the interests of reader-friendliness gender-neutral terms are used on our website: specifically male terms encompass in all cases the female equivalent.
Individual Entrepreneur EVGENY GURKIN (SERVICE) maintains an on-line booking system via the website. SERVICE acts solely as an agent. SERVICE itself does not hire out winter sports equipment and does not provide any services other than those which are set out in the Preamble to these General Terms and Conditions of Business. In the event of a booking, an agreement will be created exclusively between the customer making the booking and the individual provider (hire of winter sports items, skiing lessons, cable cars etc.). SERVICE acts on behalf of and to the account of the individual provider. The provisions which follow thus apply solely to the activities proper to an agent.
Bookings made via use an encrypted SSL (secure socket layer) link in order to establish a secure link between the customer’s browser and the booking system on the website. displays and reveals the availability for booking of winter sports equipment at individual ski shops with additional products together with the courses offered by skiing schools and the provision of a ski pass in conjunction with bookings for the hire of skis and skiing lessons at selected skiing centres. Completion of the fields requiring information and completing the process of booking binds the customer to the order. When an order is forwarded to the individual provider, this constitutes the provision of an agency service by SERVICE to the individual provider. The contractual commitment on the part of SERVICE is limited to the mediation of the desired agreement.
Prices for the hire of winter sports items, skiing lessons and additional products appear in the second part of the booking process. At this point the booking process may be terminated at any time. Prices are inclusive of any tax and duty which may be payable at the time a booking is made. Prices are the responsibility of the individual provider, who will make them available to SERVICE Regional fluctuations in prices are thus possible, and SERVICE has no control over them.
The cost will normally be debited in Euros, CHF or USD at the current rate of exchange on the day. To exercise this option the customer must select the desired currency during the booking process. SERVICE does not accept any liability for the accuracy of the rate of exchange. The payment of any bank fees and fluctuations in exchange rates will be entirely the responsibility of the customer.
Payment may be made using a credit card or, according to the country, using a method of payment which is accepted by SERVICE
Payment is managed by the external payment provider Stripe Payment Services (Europe). As a PCI DSS-certified company SERVICE does not itself store payment data. There are, however, two methods of payment which require the consent of the provider or supplier (e.g. a hire shop) and cannot therefore be offered universally by SERVICE
In the event of a subsequent additional booking by a customer, SERVICE shall be entitled to arrange for the additional cost occasioned by the additional booking to be collected by SERVICE payment provider or charged to the customer’s credit card account. In the case of bookings which involve a method of payment which does not permit any subsequent charges, a new booking must be generated. The original booking will be cancelled with immediate effect and the cost, minus the all-in booking fee which has already been charged, refunded. In the case of a subsequent booking which involves a greater cost SERVICE . will waive the all-in booking fee for the original booking.
Any charges (commission, bank fees associated with exchange rates etc.) shall be charged to the person making the booking in their entirety.
By completing a booking the customer confirms the accuracy of his personal details. The booking activated by the customer shall become effective once payment has been made on line and confirmation of booking (voucher) received together with confirmation of payment.
The customer must immediately check the confirmation of booking which he is sent by email for accuracy. SERVICE must be notified at once of any deviations from the desired booking which appear on the confirmation of booking. Any loss which SERVICE should incur as the result of the provision of incorrect or incomplete information (such as an incorrect date of birth) shall be indemnified by the customer.
The provider’s details as they appear on the confirmation of booking have been provided for SERVICE by the provider.
Neither the confirmation of booking (voucher) nor the confirmation of payment constitutes an invoice. The relevant provider alone should be contacted for an invoice to be issued.
1.5.1. Collection and return of equipment/beginning and end of lessons.
The customer must present an official proof of identity bearing a photograph (such as a passport, identity card or driving licence) at the ski shop and skiing school, along with confirmation of booking (in printed form at the request of the provider) and agree for a copy to be made of the photograph. In France equipment may normally be collected from the relevant ski shop from 4.00 pm onwards, and in other countries from 3.30 pm on the day preceding the first day of the period of hire and by 10.00 am on the first day of the period of hire. Please note that deviations from these arrangements are possible: these will be apparent during the booking process and from the confirmation of booking.
In the event of a delay in collection/commencement of skiing lessons, the customer must make the appropriate arrangements with the relevant provider.
As an agent SERVICE . may normally only provide a refund or a partial refund with the written consent of the provider. It is absolutely essential that the customer should forward the provider’s confirmation in writing to SERVICE
The same shall apply if the customer should prematurely waive performance of the agreement (for example: by returning ski hire items before the end of the hire period, or abandoning skiing lessons before the end of the course for any reason). As an agent SERVICE will normally only be able to make a refund or partial refund with the provider’s written consent. It is absolutely essential that the customer should forward the provider’s written confirmation to SERVICE .
Equipment must be returned before close of business at the ski hire shop on the last day of the hire period. The customer must apprise himself of the shop’s closing time. Should the equipment be required for a longer period, the difference between the actual period of hire and the period of hire which was booked or paid for will be calculated on the basis of standard local costs of hire (without the on-line discount) and paid directly on the spot in the ski hire shop. If the equipment which has been hired or any part thereof is not returned at the proper time, the customer may incur a surcharge.
The place of performance is the location of the ski hire shop where the winter sports equipment on hire was hired.
1.5.2. Exchange of ski hire items
The skiing equipment which has been hired may be exchanged for items of higher quality before the first day of the hire period (provided the provider’s qualifying period for the booking so permits) subject to the application by analogy of these General Terms and Conditions of Business, in which event SERVICE . will be entitled to levy the additional charge occasioned by the amended booking (see Item 1.5). The skiing equipment which has been hired may only be exchanged locally for items of superior quality on or after the first day of the hire period on the basis of the Terms and Conditions of the ski hire shop. In the event of an exchange for an item of inferior quality, SERVICE will not pay a refund. Any other agreements between the provider and the customer shall remain unchanged.
1.5.3. Use
The customer has sole responsibility for the skiing equipment on hire and must use it carefully in accordance with its function and the conditions of use. Should any ski hire items already exhibit signs of damage at the time of handover, the customer may demand an exchange from the relevant provider at the beginning of the period of hire. Equipment may not be passed on to a third party. SERVICE draws express attention to the risks associated with the adjustment of the ski bindings in the event of an unauthorised change in skier. The greatest risk inherent in the adjustment of the bindings consists in the bindings failing to be released in the event of a fall.
The customer must ensure that the ski hire items are stored in such a way as to prevent confusion or theft. The skiing equipment on hire is not insured. In the event of any breakage, damage, theft or excessive wear to the skiing equipment on hire, the customer will therefore be liable to the ski hire shop for the cost of repair or its current value.
1.5.4. Complaints
Any defects which become apparent during the course of the period of hire or the course of lessons must be brought to the attention of the relevant provider (ski hire shop, skiing school etc.) on the spot at the earliest opportunity to enable a prompt solution to be implemented. Any omission to notify the provider may be attributed to the customer as joint liability and may in that event reduce any right he enjoys to compensation.
Customer Support at SERVICE may be notified of any defects during the period of hire or lessons (not afterwards). The Customer Support Team will be happy to assist with a view to eliminating the defect.
Please contact our Customer Support by email: or call our hotline – you will find the number you require for the relevant country at
All legal disputes connected with or relating to on-line bookings at shall be subject solely to Georgian law.
Under Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter merely the ‘Consumer Directive’) the consumer has the right to withdraw from agreement within fourteen days of the day on which the agreement was concluded without stating a reason.
The consumer, however, has no right of withdrawal in the case of a remote transaction – or agreement entered into outside commercial premises for services in the sphere of accommodation for purposes other than residence, the promotion of products, car hire, the delivery of food and drink and services associated with leisure activities, if the agreement provides for a specific point in time or period of time for the provider to meet his contractual obligations (Art. 16 (l) of Directive 2011/83/EU).
We would point out that in the case of agreements entered into under these General Terms and Conditions of Business, no general statutory right of withdrawal exists.
SERVICE currently acts as an agent for a thousand or so shops and ski schools in ten countries and harmonises the options for cancellation and rescission which generally apply between providers and consumers. Both cancellations and changes to bookings only become effective once the relevant confirmation (voucher) has been dispatched anew.
An all-in booking fee which has been retained will not be cancelled.
Changes to bookings are only possible by contacting Customer Support by email:; Chat or call using out hotline – you will find the number you require for the relevant country at
Generally speaking no other persons may be added to a booking once the booking is complete. You are welcome to make a separate new booking for additional people as required.
Should any provision in these General Terms and Conditions of Business be or become legally ineffective or unworkable, whether wholly or in part, the legal effectiveness and practicability of all other terms and conditions of business shall remain unaffected. The parties to the agreement shall replace the legally ineffective or unworkable provision with an effective and workable provision which as regards content and purpose comes as close to the legally ineffective or unworkable provision as possible.
Any amendments or additions to this Agreement must be made in writing. This also applies to any amendment to the written form requirement.
As SERVICE only act as agents between customers and providers; SERVICE is in principle only liable for transactions with an habitually inefficient contractor or one who is known to be dangerous (not from the point of view of contracts, at worst criminally) and even then subject to the following limitations:
SERVICE . is, in any cases which come under consideration, only obliged to indemnify in cases of wilful intent or gross negligence. In the case of minor negligence they are liable only for personal injury. The right to indemnification lapses two years after the injured party’s becoming cognisant of the injury and the injuring party. The right to indemnification will lapse no later than 3 years after the date on which the injury occurred.
SERVICE shall not be liable in the case of indirect injury, loss of profits, loss of interest, savings denied, consequent injury, financial losses, losses due to claims by third parties, or for the loss of data and software and their restoration.